Feautues modal windows, @font-face, pagination, Twitter feed, HTML5 video, tablet & mobile versions, dynamic share drawer, and user poll using jQuery, JSON, CSS3, HTML5 and PHP.
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Lead Developer
iPad app prototype, to test UI for video ad units using live feed parsing with XML and PHP, landscape and portrait views, jQuery Mobile, CSS3, and HTML5.
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Lead Developer
Full editorial site featuring jQuery gallery, interactive share drawer, and rotating twitter feed, using jQuery, PHP, CSS3 and HTML5.
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Lead Developer
UX design and development for merchandising site, featuring hovering menu system and animated forms using jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5.
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Front End Developer & Designer
UX design and development for user-driver review site featuring a tabbed, sliding product viewer using YUI Library, jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5.Preview >
Front End Designer
Designed and developed website and custom CMS for non-profit company using HTML, CSS, and PHP/MySQL.